$295.00 – Approved 40 hours of Online real estate fundamentals and preparation for the real estate salespersons licensing exam. This curriculum is required for the Michigan Real Estate Salesperson license. No previous knowledge of real estate needed!
Unlike any other course, we help you understand the material through the use of video clips and activities. Our course is specifically designed for online education – interactive, not just an online book! No book is included for this course, it is strictly an online course.
Once you have completed your course you need to go to the to apply for your license before you can register to take your exam. Once you have applied for your new license you will need to go to and register to take your State exam. PSI has established a dedicated phone number for Michigan exam candidates 855.579.4635.
You have access to the online pre-license course for up to six months from date of purchase. You may purchase a total of two 2 month extension, within the one year period at the cost of $50 per extension. To request an extension, email customer service at or call 1-800-282-7972